Welcome to our DWKLA Website!

Welcome..you may have navigated to this site using one of our new QR code signs posted in the Upham/Deerbrook area.  DWKLA Association is comprised of property owners on 3 lakes of a 5 lake chain in Northern Wisconsin (Langlade County) including Waterpower, Kettle and Deepwood lakes. This chain of lakes forms the head of the East Branch of the Eau Claire River including Bogus Swamp a designated Wisconsin “state natural area” since 1995.  

By combining talents and resources, our members strive to “Preserve, Protect and Restore” the lakes and waterways we all share and love.  
Our Association does not impose or enforce any “rules”, instead our energy is focused on making our lakes healthier and insuring our waterways and outlets are free of un-natural obstructions.  We strongly encourage “catch and release” fishing, educate members about shoreline conservation and perform volunteer work to clean up litter from our local roadsides.

Contact “Shannon Scherwinski” at "[email protected]" to become a member and (once registered) we’ll give you full access to all our secure content.
